OMIFCO considers the issue of reducing the environmental impacts resulting from its operations as its top priority along with the promotion of production to raise the national economy.
The company's environmental policy states OMIFCO's commitment to fully comply with environmental laws, local and international regulations while producing ammonia and urea. The company thus shoulders the responsibility to develop its business addressing all environmental issues.
The company has established environmental management system which includes management of air emissions, effluents and solid wastes with a monitoring system for each source of pollution.
This has reflected in receiving the ISO Certification on ISO 14001: 2004 IN September 2010 which also resulted in having the levels of emissions and wastes below the limits set by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs. We cite here the company's efforts in achieving national as well as international standards in managing the environmental aspects.

Continues Environmental Monitoring Systems
The company since the beginning has installed eight fixed environmental monitoring stations to monitor &control the emissions resulting from the operationsof stacks so as to meet national and international standards. Also, there are three fixed environmental stations in the plant that monitors around the clock the ambient air quality at the fence of the site. All thesestations measure on continuous basis oxides of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, ammonia, & particulate matter. Besides monitoring of air emissions, OMIFCO has five fixed environmental monitoring stations that monitor the quality of seawater as well as the groundwater. Monthly reports on the air emissions as well as the water quality are being reported to the authorities inside as well as outside Oman.

Pollution Mitigation Measures
During design phase, OMIFCO has considered all options which can reduce the environmental impacts from the company's operations, and here are some of thesemitigation measures:
- Use of Natural Gas to Ignite Furnaces
- Recycling of Thermal Energy Generated from Combustion Sources
- Recycling of Condensate
- Suppression System to urea dust and ammonia emissions
- Project to re-use of surplus carbon dioxide
- Low Nox Burners System in Combustion Sources and Furnaces
- Igniting of Un-Processed Gases in the Flare
- Re-use of Effluent such as the treated sanitary effluent in irrigation
- Temperature Reduction of Seawater through engineering design
- Planting the surrounding area